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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Five reasons Obama now deserves his Nobel Peace Prize

People around the world were shocked when Barack Obama earned his Nobel Peace Prize last October. Voices all around were saying that he won the Prize far too early--citing the fact that Obama had not even completed one term of a US Presidency. An article from Reuters, quoted below, sums up the public sentiment of the time, I think (emphasis mine).
"It would be wonderful if I could think why he won," said Claire Sprague, 82, a retired English professor as she walked her dog in Manhattan's Greenwich Village. "They wanted to give him an honor I guess but I can't think what for."

Hospital worker Itya Silverio, 33, of Brooklyn, said: "My first opinion is that he got it because he's black. What did he do that was so great? He hasn't even finished office yet."

Harsher criticism, from deep right-wing territory, comes from a letter to the editor of the Catholic Herald.
Secularists around the world rejoiced as their false god, President Obama, was crowned with the once prestigious Nobel Peace Prize. Although not President Obama's fault, this award reflects a culture which is sadly and dangerously falling away from the "Way, the Truth, and the Life," who is Jesus Christ.
While the letter is largely nonsense, there was some truth to the general idea that Barack Obama received his Peace Prize a little too early. I felt that the Peace Prize would have looked far better on Obama if he had been able to accomplish more good deeds to fill up his resumé with.

So what has Obama done?

1) Passed health care reform

As much as conservatives hate it, this is actually a GOOD THING. While I'm not going to make a whole post out of it in the foreseeable future, let me quickly summarize the benefits, with cited sources:

The American Medical Association and many labor unions endorsed the bill's final version(1). And even insurance companies gave their support after the public option was removed in December 2009(2).

Plus, although the bill costs $940 million US dollars, spread over ten years, the result of the bill's policies means that there will be an overall $138 billion dollar federal deficit reduction(3). Despite the deficit reduction, though, the bill provides insurance for 32 million Americans(4).

The reform is also good for smaller pocketbooks too, as it immediately offers tax credits for up to 35% of health care premiums to small businesses that pay for their employees' health insurance. By 2014, the tax credits will pay for 50% of the premiums(5).

2) Reduced the number of nuclear arms

I have a somewhat conservative friend. Right when Obama made this breakthrough, he sort of jumped out at me and said that Obama now deserves his Peace Prize. He actually gave me the inspiration for writing this post.

And then it dawned on me, this really was a HUGE breakthrough! After all, nuclear weapons are perhaps some of the most terrifying and dangerous icons of the Cold War, and making a good effort to dismantle a significant number of them is possibly far more nurturing to freedom than tearing down the Berlin Wall.

3) Improved student loans for all

There are definite complaints here, there are many that shout "Socialism!" at this development, but cutting out the middleman is going to benefit students because the saved money will go to provide good educations to more students.

I could keep talking about student loans, in an attempt to convince whatever conservative reader actually made it this far down the list, or I could go on to talk about the next accomplishment--which is far more important.

4) Ordered Guantanamo Bay's suspension

Waterboarding is torture. I try to be an agreeable person, and am generally for all of those reach-across-the-aisle type of efforts.

But when a person starts making changes to their definition of torture, then one has reached too far right.

I applaud Barack Obama's efforts to stop the horrors of torture, caused by the horrors of September 11th. I would also like to mention that he accomplished this before he received his Peace Prize. He signed the Executive Order in the first week of his Presidency. So perhaps October 2009 was not a completely inappropriate time to give Obama an award.

5) Doing his best to find out whose ass to kick for the Deepwater Horizon disaster

Okay, maybe it is not something that makes him more eligible for the Peace Prize.

But at least he is... showing anger.

(This may be the precursor to my next post).

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